Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Nintendo's official Koi-Koi Rules - European edition

I have the 'European' edition of Nintendo's Mario Hanafuda and one of the 'joys' of this is that the rules are printed in seven different languages.  Here are a few shots of the English language rules...

#6 (Donkey Kong, Wario, Paragoomba) is better known as Boar-Deer-Butterfly (Ino-shika-cho).  It is odd how Ame-Shiko isn't listed separately though!

Basic = Junk (Kasu)
Seeds = Animals (Tane)
Lights = Brights (光 = 'Hikari')


  1. Actually they do? If you notice under Shiko, it states that if the set contains the raining light (princess Peach) card, it is worth 7 pts.

  2. So it does! I will amend my post!

  3. Hi, nice blog you have here, I just found it like two days ago.
    I was wondering if you could post or send me pics of the rules in Spanish? I'm supposed to be teaching people Koi Koi next Sunday and I need to know the official terminology in Spanish. Until now I've been playing using the Japanese terms, but I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know how these terms translate to Spanish, because I've looked around and I've seen different versions of it, and I figured Nintendo's rules are the official ones lol
    Anyway, as I said nice blog. Keep it up! I've learned a lot these past couple of days reading it!

    1. Hola Pri,

      Thank you for the kind words!

      Nintendo's rules are not the 'official' rules because there are no 'official' rules as such. You will find as many scoring systems and rule variants for Koi-Koi as you will players. Personally, I always use the Japanese terms.

      The Nintendo rules do not list the Spanish words for 'Boar-Deer-Butterfly' or 'Rainy', so I just had to look for those words online. Hopefully, I have used the right words in the correct context?!

      Here goes...

      Español : English : Nihongo

      Cinco luces : Five Lights : Goko
      Cuatro luces : Four Lights : Shiko (or Yonko)
      Lluvioso Cuatro luces : Rainy Four Lights : Ame-Shiko
      Tres luces : Three Lights : Sanko
      Un trago con las flores : Blossom Viewing : Hanami-zake
      Un trago con la luna : Moon Viewing : Tsukimi-zake
      Jabali-Ciervo-Mariposa : Boar-Deer-Butterfly : Ino-Shika-Cho
      Rojas : Red Poetry Scrolls : Aka-Tan
      Azules : Blue Scrolls : Ao-Tan
      Tierra : 'Animals' (Seeds/Earth) : Tane
      Cintas : Scrolls : Tan (Tanzaku)
      Básicas : Junk (Dregs/Plains/Simples/Basic) - Kasu
      Rojas y Azules - Red Poetry Scrolls and Blue Scrolls : Aka-Tan, Ao-Tan no Chofuku


  4. The names of the suits in Spanish...

    Pine - Pino
    Plum blossom - Ciruelo en flor
    Cherry blossom - Cerezo en flor
    Wisteria - Glicina
    Iris - Iris
    Peony - Peonía
    Bush Clover - Lespedeza
    Chinese Silver (Pampas) Grass - Césped plateado chino
    Chrysanthemum - Crisantemo
    Maple - Arce
    Willow - Sauce
    Paulownia - Paulonia

  5. Hi, Anthony! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer! This is very helpful, especially the words for Hanami-zake and Tsukimi-zake, I was having a hard time trying to come up with ways of saying those in Spanish without them sounding weird and awkward lol (that goes for the names of the suits too). Hopefully I can teach people properly now lol
    As I said, I really like this blog, you can find anything about Hanafuda here! I didn't even know there were so many games you can play with Hanafuda cards, I only knew there was like, one game other than Koi-koi lol So now thanks to your blog I need to learn how to play all of them! lol
    And again, thank you so much for your help, it's very useful (:
